What is cloud website hosting indeed
Cloud hosting is a quite modish term today. However, not many realize what it does in fact represent. The majority of the site hosting retailers speculate intensely about solutions tagged as being 'cloud hosting'. Mainly the cPanel website hosting and cPanel reseller hosting suppliers. Owing to the complete absence of original business ideas, the cPanel web hosts are simply utilizing fashionable phrases, attempting to lure more web site hosting customers with skilful marketing methods.
cPanel - a one server hosting platform
In a nutshell, cPanel is a one server web hosting solution. A single web server serves all web site hosting services simultaneously. On the contrary, the cloud hosting platform necessitates each separate hosting service, such as data storage, email, FTP, databases, DNS, statistics, hosting CP, backup, etc. to be served by several piles of top-quality web servers in a cluster. All the clusters form the so called 'cloud'. With cPanel, the aforesaid hosting services are all being served simultaneously by 1 single web server. This implies that no 'clouds' can be seen around cPanel-based web space hosting companies. Not even a single one...
The enormous marketing speculation with cloud webspace hosting packages
Be aware of the numerous false allegations promising you 'cloud hosting' services, mainly propagated by cPanel hosting providers. When a cPanel web hosting corporation haughtily claims that a 'cloud' site hosting service is being offered, check whether it's not a haze or a smog to begin with. Nearly everyone toys with the term 'cloud', ultimately counting on the circumstance that most of the users do not know what it does in fact represent.
Let's be more positive and get back to the actual cloud hosting services.
Hepsia - a cloud web hosting CP environment
Hepsia is a cutting-edge cloud web hosting platform linked to a modern user-friendly web hosting Control Panel. Both, the cloud web site hosting platform and the corresponding webspace hosting CP are manufactured by ResellersPanel.com - a celebrated reseller web hosting merchandiser since year 2003. Unfortunately, it's a quite unusual thing to find a web hosting company delivering a cloud web space hosting platform on the market. For unfamiliar reasons, Google favors cPanel-based webspace hosting firms mostly. This is the reason why we think it's good for those people in need of a site hosting platform to be a little bit more aware of the Hepsia cloud web site hosting platform.
Hepsia - the multi-server cloud web space hosting environment
Each site hosting service dash in Hepsia's 'cloud' is tackled by an autonomous pack of web servers, dedicated only to the given service at hand, sharing the load produced. Accordingly, the hosting Control Panel is being tackled by an independent pack of web servers, which serve the website hosting Control Panel solely and nothing else. There is another bunch of servers for the mail, one more for the disk space, another for the backup, one more for the statistics, another for the MySQL databases, one more for the PostgreSQL databases, and so on. All these groups of servers work as one whole web site hosting service, the so-called 'cloud web hosting' service.
Hepsia-based cloud web space hosting distributors
The list with the Hepsia-based web hosting companies is not very bulky. The most famous ones on it are ResellersPanel, neallewis.net, NTCHosting, Lonex, Exclusive Hosting, FreeHostia, OpenHost, 50Webs, 100WebSpace, Fateback and several others.